to snuggle down in the pillows and sometimes I can't even see them sitting there. It cracks me up...unless of course they are deliberately ignoring me...which almost never happens (ya right!). Honestly though--it is one of my favorite things to see them burrowed down so deep in the pillows!
Another one of my favorites lately is that Mackenna is writing lots and lots of notes to Kelly and I! We get at least one note per day and it goes something like this, "Dear Mom and are the best ever! Love, stinky....xoxoxo". It always makes me smile--especially when it ends with "p.s. write me back". You gotta love it!
I have to say that another favorite is Tessa's newest smile. I ask her to show me her smile and let's just say it isn't pretty. She looks like she's baring her teeth at us and she crinkles up her little is hilarious! I guess it's my favorite because she is trying so hard and learning so much! I can't believe the stuff she is doing and she is still so little! We watched "Up" tonight with the kids (Broekman's had a sleepover while Dave and Nat celebrated his birthday in Scottsdale) and everytime she would see a dog on the T.V. she would start barking her little wierd bark that she does. She is so funny and sassy....
And lastly, I LOVE to watch Christopher dance!! Any time that music comes on, he busts out his latest moves and sometimes I have to really force myself to not laugh...he just gets SO into it--his little face gets all serious and he starts jumping around and flailing his arms everywhere--I guess that before I start laughing too hard I should wonder first where he gets it?!! Man I love my kids! Life is so full of favorites--something new every day :)