So Kelly and I decided that maybe we could help our kids adjust to the changes in our family by spending some "one on one" time with each one. It was my turn with Carter--and it was such a blast! When I asked him if he wanted to go on a "date" with me--he asked why--and I'm not sure he got it until we were out and it was just the two of us.
You have to understand that of all my kids, Carter is BY FAR the most easy going--and will happily entertain himself with the T.V., computer, or toys if I ask him to. So needless to say--he gets the shaft ALOT!
For our date he wanted to play catch with the football at the park that's just around the corner from our home. It was so fun--he talked to me about school and friends and coached me on how to throw and catch--he was pretty happy to just let me watch him, too! We headed to the bookstore after that and he picked out some fun books to help him practice reading--and then of course, we were off to Coldstone! It was such a fun night--and I really enjoyed being with him. He is such a good boy and is such a great helper. I hope he knows how much I love him. Just thinking about him brings a smile to my face.
Kelly took Kenna out last Saturday--she was thrilled!! And then it was Christopher's turn with Dad tonight. He seemed happy to bring home a shake from In-N-Out and his books. Good times!
Kelly walked in tonight and found me and the boys around the table watching a lizard that had found it's way inside our house. I did not want to touch it and I didn't want the boys chasing it--I had visions of it getting lost in our house and crawling on us while we slept--but of course, it was Kelly to the rescue! I didn't want to hurt it--it was so cute--but only from a distance--I can't bring myself to touch one...yuck! Kelly got it outside unharmed so I can sleep peacefully tonight--well, unless Christopher wakes up at 3 a.m. AGAIN!
Off to bed now I think--it's hard to be a pleasant mother on just a little sleep--but I think if we can keep trying to spend alone time with each kid, things will get better and least that's the purpose-letting each one know they are loved and that Mom and Dad think they are pretty awesome--because (and I know I'm biased) they are!