Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Late Halloween....

Here we are before Trick or Treating on Halloween 2009. Kenna decided to be a kitty--doesn't she look "purr-fect"? Carter was all about Wolverine (we don't know why, I'm not sure he even knows who Wolverine is )...and Kelly made him some claws out of cardboard and tin foil that
looked awesome and got quite a few comments while we were out! Christopher was the Hulk--by default...they had his size at last year's Walmart clearance sale...he was a good sport though and LOVED filling up his bucket with goodies! You can ignore the wicked witch of the west seated center stage...I was just trying to hold Tessa--our little lady bug---down for a picture. I like have Halloween on a Saturday--we rested and played together and Kelly and I made some pumpkin soup for after trick or treating and it was really fun! I bought tons of candy--and only put out a little bit because I wanted to go and watch the kids trick or treat. I've spent every other year handing out candy. It was way more fun watching the kids! We walked the neighborhood with Clausens and when Tess got tired, Kelly and Matt were only too willing to bring her home and put her to bed while we finished up with the kids. We had alot of fun and my favorite house had a huge screen up in the front yard and they were broadcasting the video to Michael Jackson's "Thriller". Christopher busted out his dance moves and cracked me up. So much fun--and FINALLY posted on my blog...

1 comment:

Laurie said...

They look way cute Kris! How fun.