Thursday, December 10, 2009

What was I born to do?

I've been attending a scripture study class that our Stake offers and this year we have been studying the New Testament and Jesus the Christ. I think this class has become my life line. This week we discussed Mary, the mother of Christ and how she was predestined--or chosen before she was born, to be the mother of Jesus. Our teacher then posed the question, "What were you born to do?"
She paused for a bit and really let the question sink in--and since that morning I have been haunted by that thought--what have I been born to do? It has made me think about how I spend my time and where my focus lies--what do I aim for each day?
Our teacher told us that she felt she was truly born to be a mother--that she really loved being a mother. Let's just say that usually I don't have the best attitude about motherhood and kids--it stresses me out--but the way she said that she felt it was what she born to do started me thinking.
Why not me? Why wouldn't that be what I was born to do? Just because I'm a little rough around the edges doesn't mean that I wasn't meant for this. I have started looking at my kids a little differently and since that afternoon I have felt a special love for my kids that wasn't there before.
Maybe it's because I was getting in my own's hard to see and really love others when you are only looking at yourself.


Anonymous said...

Add to the list of things you were meant to do:
1.) Be a great help-meet for Kelly.
2.) Be a rockstar friend to ME!
3.) Make incredible chicken salad cream puffs and cheeseballs!
4.) Inspire others to be better.
5.) Oh, who am I kidding... the list could go on and on!

The great thing about that question is that we don't have to be perfect at what we were meant to do RIGHT NOW. We (probably) have some time to get it just right and smooth out those edges. And if not, I'm pretty sure Heavenly Father gives points for EFFORT!

Trainer Momma said...

Thanks for the thoughts... They are perfect for me today. Something for me to think about this weekend and into the new year. Beautiful!

Unknown said...

I kind of came to that same poignant question a few weeks ago when I had to speak in church about commandments. I chose to focus on teaching our children the commandments, because I struggle so much every day to "come into my own" with being a mother. That same feeling hit me like a load of bricks and has haunted me ever since. Now I'm trying to focus on my children instead of how many of my own selfish desires I can fit into my life. I guess I need to make my kids my number one desire. I think we were born to help others reach their divine potential, and if that is our focus, we'll be able to figure out the rest, huh? Love you so much! If you come to Salt Lake, let me know! I would LOVE to see you! Merry Christmas! BTW, I need your address (yes, again) for Christmas cards!

Laurie said...

Good thoughts Kris, thanks. I'm getting excited to come to AZ and have you meet Hyrum. Love you guys!