Friday, January 30, 2009

What is it about shoes?

I'm not really sure what it is about shoes... but there is something about a new pair of shoes that can put a smile on my face and a skip in my step--wow--I get excited too easily!
I think it's genetic because Mackenna is exactly the same way! She has asked Santa for tall boots for two years in a row now and is constantly "clacking" around in my Sunday shoes--whenever she can sneak into my closet to get them! Anyways...Kelly found a great deal online for new shoes and so what can I say? We splurged!! I LOVE my new sneakers....maybe you don't understand how excited I am about them--but if I'm making time in my day to BLOG about it--they've got to be pretty fabulous! Not only are they comfy, but I LOVE the yellow laces...they make me feel so happy and a little bit like I'm stepping out of my box! I've been trying to do that more lately...I've started going to the gym here and I LOVE it!! Anyways, the other day I went to the gym (no makeup on--which is a big deal for me)--and after my hour long cardio workout, decided to hit the grocery store--no makeup, sweat, and all! I felt so liberated....I even called to tell Kelly how proud of myself I was--to be in a public place looking so bad--and I'm sure he thought I was high...
Well...the point being that I'm trying to stress less about the not so important stuff...and enjoy the little things more--like a pair of new sneakers--one for me and two for Kenna! What is it about shoes?

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I LOVE your new shoes! It is so fun to get them. The smell of new shoes reminds me of when i was little and I would get new shoes at the beginning of every school year. GOOD JOB going out without makeup after the gym. I sometimes get freaked out about doing it too, but then I force myself too and usually feel better (as long as I don't run in to anyone :) And fancy new washer and dryer! Katie got some just like it, I'm jealous.