Thursday, December 17, 2009

Phrases of the week....

"Mom, Tessa stinks!"
"Stop licking me....I said, stop licking me!"
"Mooooooooooom--I'm done!"
"What are we having for dinner?--ew yuck!"
"Tessa stinks!"
"Stop throwing toys at the Christmas tree!"
"Hep me mom" (tessa)
"Tessa stinks!"
"This looks disgusting!"
"I'm too tired to go to school."
"Can I play Sonic?"
"Tessa stinks!"
"Get off me!"
"Mom--I'm stuck in here..."
"Yuck, Tessa sneezed!"
"You do it if you're so smart!"
"Tessa stinks!"
"I AM hurrying!"
"Love you, mom"

1 comment:

Marley said...

haha!! Oh man your kids are the cutest!! miss you guys!